Showing posts with label paintball shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paintball shop. Show all posts

Painballs Games Tips

Diposting oleh Unknown on Aug 31, 2009

  • The very first rule paintball fun is: never ever take off your mask!!! I can't stress this enough. It is very detrimental to your vision's health. A paintball at 280 feet per second could pop your eye out of your head. Don't ever take your facial protection off, except in designated areas.
  • Make sure you understand your gun and its limitations paintball fun, whether a rental or your own. Ask if you don't know.
  • paintball gun game or paintball game multiplayer do not hurt when they hit. You won't even feel them till the day after. I have found that paintballs that hit you and don't break hurt a little more because they hit and bounce off. The time they are in contact with you is shorter and thus the force is greater (impulse equation from physics justifies this). When it does break it is in contact with you longer and is cushioned by your skin, fat, etc.
  • Wear darker clothes, don't wear white. White is just too bright, you will get killed.
  • Always be honest in paintball gun game or paintball game multiplayer . If you get hit and see the splat on you, please raise your hand and exit the game. There is always another game to redeem yourself. I hate people who try to wipe their paint off and think they can get away with it. You only do that if you really suck. By the end of the day it will be obvious if you suck.
  • Don't ever call an advanced paintball gun or paintball game a cheater. They hate that and take their games really seriously. No matter what happens don't do this, you are asking for trouble. That is how seriously some people take their game. They are mostly very honest down to earth people. One time i did this and the guy wanted to fight me.
  • Always appoint a team captain and follow his orders no matter what. This is the key. The team captain does not have to be the most experienced or the wildest or the most intelligent, but there has to be one captain. Follow orders even if you think you have a better plan. Don't go for self glory. I remember one time a young 9 year old played with us. The team captain told him to hide behind some tires and stay there forever until it got really bad or we won. It got really bad, our whole team was eliminated except for him. The other team had no clue about him and 3 of them came marching in to take the flag when he slowly jumped out and killed all of them. Obey your captain even if it does not conform to your method of play.
  • Keep your eyes open in paintball games or paintball games multiplayer. I have seen so many players gain ground and then quickly get eliminated because they were not looking sideways. They go straight forward and then are attacked from other players from the sides and even behind them. This mistake is made so many times. It is a mistake even the most advanced players make. It's not easy to look around. Our brains always focus on one thing. Train yourself to look around as you run, hide, attack, and take cover.
  • Don't stay in the same spot too long. If you are in a fort don't keep shooting from the same side forever, its not productive. Go to the other end, go to the second level. Move away from the bunker walk out unprotected and hold people down. Don't stay put!
  • Never give up. Whether you run out of air, paint or energy paintball fun games... Don't ever stop or quit, you are still useful. No one has to know that you are all out.
  • Never call yourself dead if you are unsure paintball fun games. If you question whether or not a shot hit you and splatted call a paintcheck and have the referee check if you are dead yet. Don't just call yourself out because you felt a hit. Wait for the referee to confirm.always call paint checks on yourself if you are unsure.
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Selengkapnya Painballs Games Tips

Senjata Main Perang-Perangan

Diposting oleh karpetitem on Jun 19, 2009

Sejarah tentang perkembangan paintball fun dimulai dari aktivitas paintball fun games pertama hingga sekarang yang sudah masuk ke Indonesia. Permainan perang-perangan (wargame) yang dipopulerkan di Amerika sebenarnya bermula di tahun 1970, dimana James Hale dari Daisy Manufacturing, membuat alat pertama yang melontarkan bola cat (paintball). Pada saat itu, alat ini digunakan untuk menandai (marking) pohon & ternak. Dengan sedikit improvisasi, beberapa orang mulai menggunakan alat paintball fun games ini sebagai sarana main perang-perangan (wargame) sebagai salah satu rekreasi fun games di peternakan.

Permainan antar tim pertama dilakukan di Amerika bulan May 1981 walaupun di beberapa negara bagian di Amerika masih mempertanyakan legalitas marker paintball games. Seperti di New Jersey misalnya, baru di tahun 1988 marker paintball games multiplayer dinyatakan bukan senjata api oleh pemerintah setempat setelah diadakan uji coba di lapangan tembak polisi dan disaksikan oleh hakim.

Paintball multiplayer
terus berkembang dan mulai banyak lapangan paintball gun yang dibuka untuk umum. Paintball game juga mulai merambat ke Negara-negara Eropa seperti Inggris, Perancis dan Denmark. Untuk membedakan antara paintball gun game dan senjata api, maka secara internasional, disebutlah senjata paintball sebagai “marker”

Pada tahun 1992 terbentuklah NPPL (National Professional Paintball League) yang menyelenggarakan NPPL Pro-Am Series di Negara-negara bagian Amerika. Alhasil, paintball game multiplayer mulai dikategorikan sebagai olah raga, bukan sarana rekreasi lagi. Dengan perkembangan paintball funl yang makin pesat, terbentuklah turnamen-turnamen paintball games yang lain seperti Millenium series, X-ball, dll.

Menurut Superstudy® survey, di tahun 2002, paintball fun games sudah termasuk olah raga terpopuler urutan ke 3. Semakin banyaknya peminat olah raga ini, unsur keselamatan pemain paintball multiplayer juga makin diperhatikan. Paintball games multiplayer juga menempati urutan ke 3 di extreme sports ranking setelah skateboard dan wallclimbing.

Perkembangan pesat paintball gun bisa dirasakan setelah paintball game mulai meninggalkan karakter militernya. Memang disaat paintball gun game dimulai, kegiatan ini selalu beriringan dengan tentara, baju loreng, dan kriteria-kriteria army look yang lain. Hasilnya, kegiatan ini hanya diikuti oleh orang-orang berbadan kekar dan maskulin saja.

Disaat paintball game multiplayer mulai bergeser kearah olah raga, semakin banyak penggemar kegiatan tersebut. Mulai banyak anak-anak muda dan wanita yang mulai ikut serta karena unsur “machoman” mulai menghilang. Perlengkapan paintball pun mulai menggunakan warna-warna cerah seperti biru, merah dan kuning. Seni bermain pun berubah dari mengendap-endap ala tentara menjadi lari sambil menembak. Semakin lama paintball semakin enak untuk dilihat karena sudah tidak diadakan di hutan-hutan yang bernyamuk dan berpohon, tetapi diadakan di hamparan rumput hijau yang dikombinasikan dengan bunker beraneka bentuk dan warna, dan mudah dinonton seperti sepak bola.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan lihat di - Paintball Fun - Fun Games - Paintball Fun Games - Paintball Games - Paintball Games Multiplayer - Paintball Multiplayer - Paintball Gun - Paintball Game - Paintball Gun Game - Paintball Game Multiplayer di
Selengkapnya Senjata Main Perang-Perangan

Cara Bermain Paintball

Diposting oleh malamjumat on May 26, 2009

1. Siapkan uang lebih dalam paintball game. Sebab, untuk 2x20 menit, biasanya disediakan 20 butir peluru. Paling tidak, untuk sekali game butuh minimal 50 butir peluru.

2. Pilih goggle dengan karet pengikat yang bagus. Untuk yang berkacamata, usahakan menggunakan soft lens sebelum bermain. Atau tanya petugas
paintball game untuk memasangkan goggle yang benar dan aman.

3. Cari posisi nyaman untuk memegang marker.

4. Tak perlu panik saat dihujani peluru
paint gun.

5. Sebaiknya tidak menembak membabi buta. Ini untuk menghindari pemborosan peluru
paintball gun.

6. Ingat! dilarang keras melepas goggle selama “perang” sedang berlangsung dalam
panitball games walaupun memang hanya paintball fun. Ingat selaly sportifitas dan safety.

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Paintball Fun - Paintball Fun Games - Paintball Games - Paintball Gun - Paintball Game hanya di Paintball Fun Games:Paintball Games Multiplayer&Paintball Gun Game Sukabumi pada
Selengkapnya Cara Bermain Paintball